11 April 2020

April 11 Update Coronavirus Lock Down 2020

We could feel in the air that things were about to change in the last days of February. As we watched the news reporting uncontrolled virus spread, loss of life, and mask-faced Chinese people battling the invisible "Wuhan Virus," we began to prepare. While most of the country was still convinced this was not coming our way, we started stocking up on a few supplies and medicine. Luke was reading articles by pandemic experts, and telling me that we were not going to be afraid, but we were going to be prepared. I will admit I did feel a sense of impending doom and potentially catastrophic consequences by what eventually became known as COVID-19 when Luke said that life after this will not look the same.

In early March, we started pulling back from social engagements, being careful about sanitizer and hand-washing, and wondering what it would look like when the virus tsunami hit. A few cases popped up in Washington and on cruise ships, which were not allowed to dock. Within a few days, America came to the realization that this was real and it was widespread in our country. Hospitals started preparing for worst-case scenarios as we watched Italy struggle through being the "next epicenter," locking down residents and loosing 1000's of citizens to the virus. By mid-March, the cases in New York had exploded and Trump and governors around the country were navigating new waters of banning large group gatherings, closing schools and churches, closing nonessential businesses, and "quarentining" people across the country. As many people had to switch to working and schooling from home almost overnight, many others lost jobs and struggled to know how they would make it. Free utilities were offered to those who couldn't pay. Stimulus checks began to be sent out. Amazon offered free e-books and Disney Plus released movies ahead of schedule. As we all settled in to our homes and full "social distancing," we shifted gears along with most of the globe.

We grieved all of the things that would not happen. No LTC. No more CC community days together. No grandparent visit. No Memory Masters in person or Faces of History event. No extra basketball tournament or playdates or birthday parties. We really did feel the sting of these things passing us by, though we are among the people who have had the easiest, sweetest time being "safer at home."

- Luke brought home his books and papers, shifting lectures and discussion to online format.
- We learned how to "zoom" for CC Foundations morning assembly and presentations, Essentials, and Challenge A.
- We learned how to "zoom" with grandparents, siblings, cousins, and friends
- I started shopping every 10-12 days, eventually with a mask.
- We got news that our puppy's momma is pregnant and that our little guy will be born sooner than expected (late May!)
- Isaiah is doing great keeping up with his school work and making several trips to the driveway to play basketball every day.
- Noelle is halfway through Memory Masters and enjoying extra time to read (free Amazon unlimited!)
- Lucy is generally as cheerful as ever, enjoying that I will let her wear anything and fix (or not fix) her hair however she wants.
- We are taking lots and lots of walks. I walk alone. Luke and I take evening walks. Sometimes as a family, sometimes one parent and one or two kids. We are cruising the 'hood, enjoying seeing neighbors, waving and people, finding the "small head cat" outside of one house and the process of a bird decaying at another spot - ha!
- We have done 2 drive-by birthday parties, which we will all remember as a very unique celebration.
- Church has moved online. I find that our family devotionals are more meaningful than watching "church," but it is good to stay connected.
- Luke's still meeting with his guys group via zoom on Tuesdays at 6am, and I still meet with my Thursday group.
- We are rotating game night - movie night each night, most of the time. We are surprised how often we don't have time for our evening entertainment! The weather has been amazing and the days have been long, so bedtime sneaks up on us. We find that we are all plenty tired at the end of the day.
- I am still working on my online class. No change in schedule for me! I feel very good about going into the mental health field at this point in history. We are all going to need some mental TLC when we get to the other side of this experience.
- Luke and the kids have overhauled our garden boxes. This seems like the perfect spring/summer to tend to a garden. We don't yet know what camps or travel will or will not happen, so we are planning on lots of home time at this point.
- We are watching Cincinnati Zoo "Home Safari" every day at lunch, learning about new animals
- I'm making lots of beans in the instapot
- I find that, when I go to the store there are some things I always stock up on automatically - chocolate chips, broth, chips & salsa. I guess these are the things I'd feel most panicked without!

Today is April 11. We know that "lock down" of sorts will last until at least the end of April then likely a gradual opening up of life, meeting only in small groups, wearing masks, etc. We are really enjoying Easter weekend at home with all the time for all of our traditions. It's peaceful and slow and easy. Usually I feel crazed in April - so many programs, responsibilities, meetings, events. Although we hurt for this weary world and pray for healing and an end to the virus, we also remember how much we have to be thankful for, especially as we slow down.

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