28 July 2019

Colorado Trip Summer 2019

Colorado Trip 2019 was a mix of fun memories and round-the-clock tylonol and advil. After being pretty healthy throughout the fall/winter/spring, we got a surprise virus that knocked all 3 kids out for 5-6 days before passing in on to the next. Isaiah was first to fall, delaying out trip by a day. Next came Lucy on the way, then Noelle, then back to Lucy! It came with high fever, some congestion, and very low energy. It was sad for the kids to each miss out on a few fun things with family, and it was sad for me because I was on nurse-momma duty the whole time. But, as I look back at pictures, I am thankful for so many sweet memories in spite of sickness and I'm thankful that we didn't pass it on to anyone else and it wasn't worse. I also got some extra time to work on my class while Lucy rested, so that worked out ok!

Part one was with the Sykora side. We started with a few nights at Mimi & Pa's house resting and trying to get everyone well. By this time, Isaiah was totally perky and ready to DO something after a week of feeling sick. But he had a few days to hang out with all of us before we headed to Breckenridge. In Breck, the guys got to go on an awesome private-led fishing expedition. They had great weather and caught a lot of fish. Really fun trip! We also played games, enjoyed the hot tub, went hiking, rode horses, and baked cookies. This was the part of the trip where Noelle felt worst, so she spent a good chunk of each day in bed. But she was able to rally for the events.

Part 2 of our trip was with the Tallon/Huffman side. We had been looking forward to the Sand Dunes for months, and I was so thankful that everyone was well-ish on that day to go. Lucy was still running fever, but with meds and enthusiasm to go, we made it. It was a perfect dunes experience with a huge, slow water flow. It was a kid's perfect play area and everyone loved it! We also did some climbing on the dunes and jumping off. We stayed in Alamosa at a hotel for several days. Our other activities included visiting an alligator farm and a UFO siting station, and taking a train ride through the mountains. Oh, and several trips to a Mexian buffet restaurant. On the way home, everyone was fever free and feeling good...

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