29 December 2020

Basketball Season-ish

 We are sputtering along in our basketball season! It has been hit and miss so far with covid in the midst. We knew this would be the case - that games would sometimes be cancelled, people would be sick or quarantined, and we needed to be grateful for whatever we got. We were surprised when Noelle was covid-exposed at the first week of practice! Their team had to quarantine for 2 weeks and miss the first games. Poor Noelle also missed the last 2 weeks of CC, which was very disappointing. Thankfully, she never got sick, however. Both teams have had kids out for covid in their families, we have had games cancelled, and there are ongoing debates about covid policies and masks. Ugh.

But!! The kids are enjoying all the basketball they can get. Isaiah had the best game of his life recently, making 4 3-pointers and scoring 20 points! Noelle is getting used to playing with (and against) big girls in the 6th-8th grade range. She's continually surprising her coaches with how aggressive, focused, and brave she is! We are done for the holidays and hope that we get some more games in Jan/Feb...  Go HEAT!

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