09 August 2015

The Start of the Next Blog Book

A few days ago, I finally caught up on summer memories and musings and sent 2 more 2-year blog books to the printer.  I was reminded of how thankful I am for little snippets of life and, had I not written them down, I would not remember.  I can barely remember what I did yesterday.  Some of my favorite posts are my "These days" posts.  So, to kick off the next blog book on Saturday, August 8, 2015, here's what today looked like:
- I managed to snooze until 6 and still have some pre-kid morning time.
- I happily brewed some fresh roasted coffee a la Luke after throwing away a dead cockroach I found on the kitchen floor.  We find one every few days, which is more than I'd like.
- When the kids wake up, they each come to me in a consistent manner.  I know each of their foot steps as they come down the hall.  Lucy meanders straight into my arms with her crazy hair and eyes barely open.  Asking for breakfast usually the first thing that comes out of her mouth as she snuggles into my lap.  When Isaiah wakes up, he stomp/walks to find me wherever I am.  If I'm at the computer, he climbs in my lap.  If I'm reading on the couch, he grabs a book and we sit and read together.  Noelle comes to me with cold, damp hands, smelling of soap, having finished a trip to the bathroom.  They all want momma snuggles and sometimes push and gripe to get in close.  It's pretty special to be the kid magnet.
- Last night, Luke had only been able to read a few pages of Harry Potter to the big kids, so they were anxious for a longer session when he woke up.  The big kids snuggled in with him on the couch to listen while I made Lucy some oatmeal.
- Luke got up and made us eggs and toast.
- Lucy and I did some shopping while the big kids played and Luke worked on his sermon for tomorrow.  I loved shopping with my little buddy.  I don't have much time with just her, but it reminds me of the years with just sweet little Isaiah.  She's really good company like he was - fun, sweet, chatty, and observant.  I was excited to get a mirror to put in a spot in the den that needed "something."  I think I'm done decorating that room for a while.  And Luke's making progress on kitchen and bathroom details.  And I'm starting to love my house and feel like it's becoming pretty, which is so fun for me.  I also hit a super shoe deal and used coupons and got 4 pairs of good shoes for $67.  Feeling pretty good about that.
- When I returned home, Luke had made bread, the big kids were hungry for lunch, and we ate together.
- I had the kids help me tackle the huge pile of laundry in our bedroom that I have not been able to conquer for days.
- I sent them to rest time for 30 min while I worked on my CC letter to parents.  I'm finally really rolling on getting ready for school this year.  I'm so excited for a new year.
- We set the kids up with a movie on Amazon that we'd never heard of, but seemed sweet.  They were not super excited about it, but I think they ended up enjoying it.  Luke continued working on his sermon and I continued working on school stuff and a shopping list and making popcorn.
- Before the movie was over, I headed out to Kroger for the weekly shopping trip.
- Returning home, I found all kiddos bouncing around outside as Luke got the grill ready for pizzas.
- The girls helped me unload groceries while Isaiah helped Luke get the fire going.
- We ate pizza, chatted, then sent the kids out to play in the sprinkler for a few minutes.  Watching them play out there and begin to lose interest, I decided to join them.  They were happy, but not overly surprised to see me run out and play in the sprinklers.  It made me happy that they weren't surprised.  We laughed and jumped and got soaked.
- I drug them (on towels) to bath time and, since they were in swim suits, they all got in the bath together.  They laughed and played and fussed and I went in to clean them.  They decided they all wanted to wash each other's hair.
- Finally, they were ready to get out, get in jammies, and have banana bread.  I worked on cleaning up the kitchen while they ate.
- There were many moments through the day that I had to deal with fussy, whiny voices or griping at each other or reminding them to obey or clean up, but, overall, these kids are buddies.  They are happy.  They are fun and secure and sweet.  Isaiah's prayer tonight was, "Dear God, Thank you for homemade pizza.  Thank you for Harry Potter.  Thank you that we get to play together so much.  Amen."  Amen.  

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