08 October 2008

A tale

Once upon a time, there was a woman with a longing to take great photographs. She didn't talk much about this longing, not even to her husband. But, whenever she saw the kinds of pictures she loved, she had an ache in her gut, knowing that her baby boy was growing up so quickly and she was missing countless opportunities to capture him on film the way she wanted to. So, with the birth of her second baby quickly approaching, she decided the time was ripe. She contacted her 2 photographer friends, got tips, read a book on exposure, and learned how to use all of those mysterious functions on her point and shoot digital. She understands some of what makes a great photo (at least in terms of what she considers great), and she's on her way! She still has a long way to go, but she had fun taking pictures of her son today in the backyard - using the manual mode and adjusting things like aperture, shutter speed, and iso. And then, she even messed around in photo shop to make them better. She feels a strange sense of relief in at least starting on this path that she's longed for for a long time. Here are her favorites from today -


Meagan said...

Wooohooo look at you go!

Bryonie said...

Those are great pics. Well done. And who in the world can believe it's time for potty training???

Anonymous said...

Well done! Those are great! Thanks for sharing. Cass

The Egan Family said...

holly, i have the same longing! yet somehow i am more obsessed with organizing the photos i already have than taking great new ones. typical of me. but very nice work today - the second one is my favorite! with such an adorable subject, how can you go wrong?

The Family said...

You are well on your way. Quite the natural, I'd say.

The Family said...

By the way, I'm particularly fond of #3 and the last one. :-)

Mark and Kelly said...

Holly, those are amazing!