29 October 2008

Recent on-the-job training - parenting a toddler

* DON'T go to the grocery store during lunch time and stand in a huge line. You know that would be annoying anyway, but is especially irritating with a grumpy, whiny toddler. And it is very hard to fight off a bad mood in these circumstances.

* DO encourage him/her to repeat back to you what is going to happen (ie "in 2 minutes, it's time to brush teeth")

* DON'T expect him/her to understand concepts like hurry, quick, speedy, pick up the pace, let's go go go!

DO hide toys for a period of time and then allow them to reappear with new excitement.

* DON'T invite him/her to join you in a cooking/baking project unless you are prepared to be patient with his/her curiosity and messiness.

* DO cook/bake with your wee one!

* DON'T imagine you will avoid any sicknesses your child has. And you thought you were in close contact with co-workers!

* DO take your toddler on a date to get a big stack of library books and read them at the local coffee shop. Enjoy your gingerbread latte while reading new books to your toddler. It will be the longest, sweetest time you will be in a coffee shop with him/her!

* DON'T let him/her see his/her artwork in the trash can, but don't keep it all, either.

* DO turn your computer off or put it in the other room during play time. It is too much of a distraction and too much of a presence in the room. There is always something time-consuming and un-important to do while your wee one begs for attention behind the screen.

*DON'T let you toddler convince you he/she should wear jammies all day long. It will not improve the jammie-removal process in the future.

* DO get out of the house without your wee dear regularly.

* DON'T expect a toddler who has all the correct answers about potty training to be physically ready to do it.

* DO delight in this stage. A tantrum is a good sign - an important developmental milestone to show one is gaining will, independence, and expressing his/her emotions. Right?!?

* DON'T compare your toddler to other toddlers. I have no idea that my child knew his colors before his friends, can't jump yet, won't sing yet, is a better swimmer than some...

* DO give him/her all of the kisses, hugs, praise, and attention you are capable of... and then watch his/her little eyes light up in the security of your love. It's the best.

* Finally, DON'T leave a cup of whole milk hiding anywhere in the house. It is amazing how quickly that nourishing, sweet, whole milk becomes something all together disgusting.


Anonymous said...

Wise and tested advice! You are doing such a good job!!
Love you, Mom (Mimi)

The Family said...

This is hilarious!