21 January 2008

Things I learned today

- Having nothing on the calendar to do can be really sweet. A regular day of grocery shopping, walking around town, and coloring is great. And, with a toddler, you never really have "nothing" to do.
- Kids really do like spaghetti and meatballs. If you offer pasta enough times, they may evenutally eat it - and love it!
- Seeing birds flying in circles can be delightful to young eyes, which is inspiring for somewhat older eyes to witness.
- I prefer non-fruit flavored jelly beans to all fruit flavors. I have a cup of jelly bellies, and I realized I was digging for cinnamon, coffee, root beer, liquorice, and buttered popcorn to avoid the fruity ones.
- The hardest part of "Hide and Seek" is waiting to seek.
- It's really nice to have a small version of your favorite cake in the freezer. And if you take it out because you're replacing the space with peas, you're happy to have a reason to eat cake and you don't feel too guilty because you know that tomorrow you're going to serve your family peas.
- College students are not used to seeing a toddler bop around the entrance to the library. For the most part, it makes them light up and smile.
- When you recognize different animals - and you love crackers - you REALLY love crackers that are shaped like animals.
- It is beyond hysterical to watch a golf ball roll out of a paper tube.

1 comment:

twinmommy said...

What a great list, Holly! It's important to remember all the little things that aren't really little... thanks for the reminder.