25 August 2011

From the kids


"Mom, look! I'm stepping in the puddle and making footparents on the ground."

"Mommy, when Dink comes out, you will hold me!"

"When I drink my chocolate milk, it goes all through my body down to my knees."

She's constantly showering all of us with "I love you soooo much!"

She's moved into her big girl bed (though she/we call it her "California bed") complete with a monkey pillow pet. She loves it and is so cute in it! She's been very good about staying in bed once we put her in it, though she's struggling to be quiet when it's time to sleep. It's just so fun to be in a big girl bed with your brother right across the room, especially when you each think your sibling is soooo funny! She sleeps on her monkey with "Bear" (w/ a purple sweatsuit on) and "Baby" (Stella) under each arm. Each has to be facing her before she can be settled.


While listening to Luke and I discuss the plight of PhD's who have a hard time finding employment, Isaiah piped up and said, "Yeah, but Obama at the whitehouse said he's going to make more jobs, so it will work out."

He's got a Lego creation in his hand almost all the time. We don't let him sleep with them, eat with them, or take them in the car, but other than those moments, he's got his Legos. Even when he first wakes up, he waddles into ourb room, groggy and frumpy, with a Lego plane/shuttle/truck in his hand. He sets it down next to my bed and crawls in for some snuggles.

He's been most amazed by the width of the roads in California. He comments on it almost every time we drive. "Mom, I can't believe how wide these roads are!"

He has his first pair of tennis shoes w/ laces, but the long laces really bother him. He was fighting back tears as we put them on today. But, we discovered that if we tuck the bow in under the other laces, he can cope with these new big boy shoes.

His California bed has a matching red bedspread like Noelle's and a blue dinosaur pillow pet, which he chose and loves.


roxanne said...

thanks for the update. missing those 2 little ones. Grandma

Cass said...

I'm hopeful that Obama's Whitehouse footparents will include more jobs for PhDs, too!