23 November 2008

Winter Wonderland - Part 2!

Well, you can be happy knowing that a dream came true for this little cutie pie this morning. We woke up to about 3 inches of sticky, wet snow!! Once it was light enough to go outside (after 8am), we got bundled up and made a (slightly rocky) snowman in our back garden. My dear friend, Whitney, is visiting from Belfast for a few days, so she was able to join in on the excitement of the morning. I'm wondering if this is the beginning of our first snowy St Andrews winter!?? I would much prefer walks in the snow to walks in the rain!


JStar said...

Snow! How fun! And Whitney was there visiting, even more exciting! I just read a friend's blog who is stationed in Heidelberg and they are getting snow too. I'm jealous! Oklahoma weather is not my cup of tea...

Anonymous said...

Oh, he got to make his snowman!!! SO CUTE!!! Great to have Whitney visit, too.
Love, Mimi