04 October 2007

Rats - 0, Us - 2

This year, we've had a problem with rats. When I say "rat" you probably think of a small, pesky rodent, which is bigger than a mouse, but smaller than a guinea pig. These rats are more like the size of small cats, which is nice because they're way too big to squeeze through any holes in our walls, but totally disgusting because they're HUGE and nasty and creepy. This year, they have discovered how to lift the lid of our trash can, crawl in for some yummy leftovers mixed with poopy diapers, and sneak right back out. Luke and I have both had some surprises when we've rolled the trash can out to the main road for weekly pick up.

Today, my friends, we have taken control. Luke put a rock on the trash can last night to keep the little buggers out. So, we were quite surprised to hear the ruckus coming from the trash can this morning. Apparently, they could get in (but not out!) with the rock on it. So, here's how it went down:

Pest Control Guy: Hiya. You have a problem with rats?

Me: Yeah. There is one trapped in the rubbish bin. Be careful. He's really big and really mad. He's been in there for at least a few hours.

Pest Control Guy: (peeking in the trash can) Wow! He's quite large! Do you have a shovel?

Me: Ummm.

Pest Control Guy: It's ok. I'll go to my truck.

He returns with a gun and a shovel. Sticks the end of the rifle in the can and shoots. There is continued movement, so I figure he just didn't aim well.

Pest Control Guy: (peeking in trash can) Oh #*^#@! There are two!

He proceeds to attack the second one with the shovel.

Pest Congrol Guy: (looking at the rat explosion in the trash can) When does your rubbish get picked up?

Me: Not until Tuesday.

Pest Control Guy: So...shall I just leave them in there?

Me: (silent disgust)

Pest Control Guy: Or would you rather I dispose of them.

Me: Ummm. I'd rather they be gone. Do you do that?

Pest Congrol Guy: Sure.

He puts their little carcases in a bag, assures me he'll be back with poison for the rest of the herd, and says farewell.

Typically I would maybe be a little bit sad about 2 animals being shot and hacked to death in my trash can, but after a year of dealing with them, I really feel nothing more than victory. They didn't know who they were messing with.


Wendy Power said...

Pest control doesn't mess around over there, do they?

Anonymous said...

That is one of the funniest things I have ever read. I laughed so hard I might have peed a little.